Course: Basic Computer Skills


Basic Computer Skills



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Purchasing a Keyboard & Mouse


Mice & Keyboard Combos

Wireless Mice and keyboard combos are great, as they use one USB dongle instead of two with standard cables. But, if you like using a cord, you can find combos in most electronic departments between $25-$50.


There are a few things you should consider before purchasing a new keyboard for your computer. These pre-purchase decisions can help you be not just more proficient, but the type of keyboard and mouse you select could be bad for your wrists and hands.

Here is a list of things you might want to consider:

  • Backlit Keyboard – a must for me and most of my clients
  • A numeric pad on the right side – a must for anyone who deals with numbers often. However, this can take away from your keyboard space. Usually, the numeric keypad on the side means smaller keyboard letter keys.
  • Ergonomic Design – This is supposed to be the best layout for speed and comfortability. I don’t see it, but many people cannot live without this horrible-looking design.


 Some mice are built better for longer usage durations and comfortable work situations. Other mice are built with lots of buttons for gaming purposes and have fancy lights. Choosing a mouse is a little less important I find that people literally choose a mouse for 2 things: either for asthetics such as graphics on the mouse or colored lights on the mouse.


Everyone should consider what suits them best, prior to purchasing a keyboard or mouse in order to get the most enjoyment or productivity from their mice and keyboards.