Year's of experience
We work with our clients, not Just for them.
Page Pop has over 23 years of servicing the chicagoland area
What started off as a Web Development company long ago, quickly turned into an IT Solutions company. One of our first web clients had printer and network issues. Being computer pros since we were young kids building our own machines, getting hacked and unhacking our computers (cause our parents were not buying more), and learning how to protect not only our own machines but also every device in our networks.
Prior to IT, I worked in Chicago in the Union working on Heavy Highway and lots of O’Hare and Dan Ryan projects. On my breaks I studied at DeVry for Web Development and MultiMedia.. After succesfully leaving the Union behind, athree year-old, and lots of bills, I never once had a moment that I thought “what if this fails?” Which a co-worker in the Union asked me once. If you aren’t chasing your dreams, you aren’t an entreprenuer I responded and never looked backed.
What was a skill not realized until that day, when our client asked if we also do IT Services. Is the day that gave me the best job in the world-helping businesses grown and thrive across the world. We have worked with companies across the globe start their business with an idea they had the previous night, the mom that makes the best chocolate cookies in the world and her family has convincer her to sell online, and people in tears who come to us asking for helping recovering their deleted pictures and files they never backed up.a
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Amazing tech drives better it experience
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Meet our professionals
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Anna MainaCustomerLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do and meiusmodte eep up our alwas always Venenatis tellus in metus alway vulputate eu scelerisque felis. eep up on our alwand tehno meiusmodtelectulibero idfau and bus mover tincidu.
Jone DoeCustomerLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do and meiusmodte eep up our alwas always Venenatis tellus in metus alway vulputate eu scelerisque felis. eep up on our alwand tehno meiusmodtelectulibero idfau and bus mover tincidu.